Educational Activities
Please follow the links below to view our collection of activities
Guided Questions for West Point Foundry Exhibition
The Parrott Cannon in the Civil War
Key Players in the Hudson Highlands During the American Revolution
Her Story: Women of Putnam County
Guided Questions for West Point Foundry: Trailblazer of Industrial America
These worksheets will help guide viewers through PHM’s in-person and virtual exhibition West Point Foundry: Trailblazer of Industrial America. They are suitable for ages 13 and up. Click here to view the exhibition online
The curated tour questions are designed to spark critical thinking on the history of the Foundry and related events of the nineteenth century.
The Voices of the Foundry guided questions are a great way for students to engage with primary sources in a new way.
The Parrott Cannon in the Civil War
This activity utilizes historic newspapers and items from the Putnam History Museum’s collection to demonstrate the impact of the West Point Foundry’s Parrott rifled cannon on the Civil War. It is suitable for grades 7 – 11
Click the link below to download the activity.
Key Players in the Hudson Highlands During the American Revolution
This activity helps students work on their reading comprehension and presentation skills. Each worksheet provides an overview of a historical figure who impacted the Revolutionary War in the Hudson Highlands and includes questions based on the reading. Students can read a profile individually or in groups and present what they’ve learned to the class.
Click the link below to download all four worksheets.
Decoding the Past: Women in World War II

This activity teaches students about women’s increased role in the armed forces during World War II through the biography of Corporal Gertrude Cassetta. It is suitable for 10th Grade World History, or 11th Grade United States History lessons in an in-person, remote, or home school setting.
Note: Teachers can choose to direct students to view the PHM virtual exhibition HerStory: Putnam County Women and the Vote prior to the activity, but it is not required
Follow the links below to download a teachers plan, video presentation, and worksheet.
Comparing Representations of Hudson Valley Geography

This activity will allow students to apply geographic knowledge of the Hudson Valley towards identifying the differences between paintings, photographs, and maps. It can be utilized during a 4th grade unit geography unit once basic map reading skills and geographic features have been taught. The activity is suitable for in-person, remote, or at home school setting.
Follow the links below to download a teachers plan and worksheet.
Prepared utilizing materials from the New-York Historical Society traveling exhibition Hudson Rising
HerStory: Women from Putnam County

This activity introduces students to the stories of 20 different women from Putnam County. It is suitable for students Grade 6 and up in an in-person, remote, or home school setting.
For more information, view a virtual version of the PHM exhibition Her Story: Putnam County Women and the Vote Here.