Putnam County’s Stone Chambers by Chip Marks

Location changed to accommodate additional guests.
The program will now be held at:
St. Mary-in-the-Highlands Church
1 Chestnut Street
Cold Spring, NY 10516

Thomas F. Hayden Lecture Series presents:
Wider Perspectives on Putnam County’s Mysterious Stone Chambers. Were there Druids in the Hudson Valley?
Lecture by Chip Marks
Members Free | Non-members $10
Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/putnam-countys-stone-chambers-lecture-sat-feb-8-5-pm-tickets-88013981187

Scattered around the northeast is a wide array of stone circles, balanced boulders, and stone chambers. These structures most closely resemble ancient Celtic construction in Europe. Some of the stones weigh many tons, and a good deal of technical skill was required to set them properly in place. Were they built by visiting Druids, and what purpose did they serve? The mysteries of their placement and their meaning, and why Putnam County seems to be the epicenter of this activity, will be explored in a lecture by Chip Marks at the Putnam History Museum, at 5 pm, on Saturday, February 8th.

Chip Marks is a lifelong resident of the Hudson Valley. He has studied the natural, cultural, and ancient history of the region for many years.


The event is finished.


Feb 08 2020


5:00 pm


Members Free | Non-members $10


St. Mary-in-the-Highlands Church
1 Chestnut St., Cold Spring, NY 10516


Putnam History Museum
(845) 265-4010