Women’s History Month Storytime & Crafts
Children will learn about Hudson Valley local Sybil Ludington, who lived during the Revolutionary War. The daughter of a commander in the Dutchess County militia, 16-year-old Sybil is said to have ridden 40 miles to warn her father’s militia that the British were about to attack! This event is co-sponsored with the Putnam History Museum and the Butterfield Library and will take place at the museum. For children ages 4 – 7 and their families/caregivers.
Register here: Women’s History Month Storytime & Crafts – Tuesday, March 19, 2024, 3:30 PM – Butterfield Library – LocalHop (getlocalhop.com)
Questions? Email Katherine Latella, Head of Children’s Services: kids@butterfieldlibrary.org