“The Making of the Daniel Nimham Sculpture” Film Screening with Live Performance by the Nimham Mountain Singers
On Saturday, October 14th, the PHM invites you for an outdoor film screening at the museum of “The Making of the Daniel Nimham Sculpture.” Sculptor Michael Keropian and director Jeff Hodges will lead a robust Q&A session following the film. This incredible Daniel Nimham statue was recently dedicated in Fishkill, NY (1576 NY-52, Fishkill, NY12524) in 2022. The evening will also include a live performance by the Nimham Mountain Singers. The Nimham Mountain Singers is a group of singers with the goal of fostering, preserving, and reinforcing traditional Native American beliefs and values.
Please register below, recommended $5 donation per person. Children free.
About the PHM’s Native American Heritage Weekend:
The Putnam History Museum presents Native American Heritage Weekend alongside our yearlong exhibition Indigenous Peoples in Putnam County. With grant support from the Hudson River Valley Greenway, Museum Association of New York, and the William Pomeroy Foundation; and collaborations with the Cornell Cooperative Extension Putnam County, the Nimham Mountain Singers, sculptor Michael Keropian, and videographer Jeff Hodges, the PHM is proud to present a weekend filled with local history and culture further exploring the lives of Indigenous Peoples in Putnam County: October 13th, 14th and 15, 2023.
The weekend begins with a History Hike of Nimham Mountain on Friday the 13th. On Saturday the 14th, under the big tent on the PHM lawn, we will screen the documentary showcasing the creation of the Daniel Nimham statue made by Michael Keropian which is now on display in Fishkill. Saturday’s festivities will include a live performance by the Nimham Mountain Singers. On Sunday the 15th, the PHM we will offer an all ages guided tour from the museum’s Indigenous Peoples in Putnam County exhibition, outside and through Foundry Cove, part of Scenic Hudson’s West Point Foundry National Historic Landmark. Registration is requested for all programs, and may be made on the PHM’s website: www.putnamhistorymuseum.org.