Putnam County’s Mysterious Stone Chambers: Panel Discussion & Tours
Registration form located at the bottom of this page.
Panel discussion: Virtual attendance $15
Panel discussion: In-person attendance – PHM Members Tickets $25 (or $45 for two) | Non Members Tickets $28 (or $50 for two)
History Hike: PHM Members $15 | Non Members $20
*All proceeds benefit the Putnam History Museum.
Friday, Oct. 6th, 7 pm
Evening Panel Discussion
(Hybrid Event – In-person and on Zoom):
*Please note, all registrations for virtual attendance must be received by 4:30 pm on 10/6.
On Friday night, immerse yourself in a lively panel discussion featuring five leading experts and enthusiasts in the field of stone structures in the Northeast. Our esteemed panel will share their insights and theories about the origins and mysteries surrounding the Stone Chambers.
The panel will take place both in-person at the Desmond Fish Public Library Community Room in Garrison, New York, and simultaneously broadcast on Zoom, allowing attendees from around the world to participate.
Our panel of authors, researchers, and enthusiasts includes: Chip Marks, Michael Menders, David Steinberg, Craig Watters, and Linda Zimmerman. Speaker bios below.
Saturday, October 7th, 9 am & 1 pm:
Guided History Hikes of the Mead Farm Chambers
*** PLEASE NOTE. Saturday’s hikes are cancelled due to the predicted intense rain. The hikes (both 9 am and 1 pm sessions) will now take place the next day, on Sunday, Oct. 8th. All previously registered hikers will receive detailed information from the PHM, with an option for a hike refund if you are unable to attend the new date and time.
On Sunday, join us for an unforgettable experience as we lead guided History Hikes to the Mead Farm Chambers in Kent, NY. Two hikes are offered (9 am and 1 pm).
Explore these remarkable structures up close and discover the intricate craftsmanship that has puzzled historians and archaeologists for generations.
Both sessions will meet at the nearby Dunkin Donuts at 1090 Route 52, Carmel, NY 10512, and then drive over to the Hawk Rock/Tom Morgan Trailhead together. Registered hikers will receive more detailed instructions the week of the event.
We recommend that you sign-up for a FREE DEP parking permit here: https://a826-web01.nyc.gov/recpermitapp/.
Users of water supply lands and waters are subject to the “Rules for the Recreational Use of Water Supply Lands and Waters. Please review https://codelibrary.amlegal.com/codes/newyorkcity/latest/NYCrules/0-0-0-25562.
Chip Marks: A stone chamber enthusiast and long-time Garrison resident, Chip Marks has visited countless stone chambers and balanced rocks throughout the entire Northeast. His theory on their existence will encourage you to contemplate the unknown.
Michael Menders: A passionate explorer and enthusiast of ancient stone structures and chambers, Michael has embarked on numerous expeditions to uncover elusive chamber sites, documenting his discoveries through images and detailed research. Through his blog, he shares over 180 stone structures from antiquity, hoping to inspire others with a similar interest in these remarkable remnants of the past.
David Steinberg: Esteemed author and adventurer, known for his captivating guidebook titled “Hiking the Road to Ruins.” With a passion for uncovering hidden gems and lesser-known destinations, David’s book is a treasure trove of more than twenty unusual landmarks and enigmatic sites, all within a two-hour drive of the bustling New York City.
Craig Watters: With a passion for local and national history, PHM Trustee Craig Watters has visited dozens the stone chambers and structures that dot the Hudson Valley landscape. Recent research related to the PHM’s Indigenous Peoples in Putnam County exhibition has led Craig to develop a never-before tested theory regarding the Chambers.
Linda Zimmerman: Linda Zimmerman is an accomplished author with more than 30 books covering science, history, the paranormal, and fiction. Renowned for her expertise, she has appeared on television and radio and received awards for Best Author and Best Radio Personality in the Hudson Valley. As an avid amateur astronomer and historian, her fascination with the region’s unique stone structures has driven years of research and exploration, culminating in her book “Mysterious Stone Sites” and a scientific research report on astronomical alignments at possible Native American calendar/ceremonial stone sites.
*Please note, all registrations for virtual attendance must be received by 4:30 pm on 10/6.
Hourly Schedule
Friday, October 6
- 7:00 PM - 8:30PM
- Evening Panel Discussion
- Hybrid Event – In-person and on Zoom
Saturday, October 7
- 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
- Guided History Hikes of the Mead Farm Chambers: Session 1
- 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
- Guided History Hikes of the Mead Farm Chambers: Session 2