Museum Moment of Zen
Check back each week as we share peaceful photos, moments, and art from the Putnam History Museum’s historic collection.

Thursday, August 27, 2020
Today’s #MuseumMomentofZen:
Going on a weekend camping trip to relax in the Putnam County fresh air.
From the Putnam History Museum Collection.

Thursday, August 20, 2020
Today’s #MuseumMomentofZen:
After a long day of playing and keeping up with their humans, the dogs take a break
to relax in the yard and reflect on a hard day’s work now done.
From the Putnam History Museum Collection.

Thursday, August 13, 2020
Today’s #MuseumMomentofZen:
Lena Terwilliger rests on the train
From the Putnam History Museum Collection.

Thursday, August 6, 2020
Today’s #MuseumMomentofZen:
Exploring the wild grasses, and finally coming out of them as if waking from a dream.
The grasses provide the escape and serenity we all need sometimes.
From the Putnam History Museum Collection.

Thursday, July 30, 2020
Today’s #MuseumMomentofZen:
Enjoying an afternoon stroll through the garden, listening to the bees buzz,
watching the butterflies flutter, and smelling the delicate aroma of the flowers in bloom.
From the Putnam History Museum Collection.

Thursday, July 23, 2020
Today’s #MuseumMomentofZen:
Taking a well deserved break on the chaise lounge after Lyre practice.
From the Putnam History Museum Collection.

Thursday, July 16, 2020
Today’s #MuseumMomentofZen:
Enjoying a leisurely family carriage ride around the Hudson Highlands.
From the Putnam History Museum Collection.

Thursday, July 9, 2020
Today’s #MuseumMomentofZen:
Resting in the shade of (what can only be assumed is) an oak tree,
listening to the birds chirp, the leaves rustling in the wind.
From the Putnam History Museum Collection.

Thursday, July 2, 2020
Today’s #MuseumMomentofZen:
Relaxing in the grass is almost as nice as spending the day with your favorite furry friend.
From the Putnam History Museum Collection.

Thursday, June 25, 2018
Today’s #MuseumMomentofZen:
What a perfect day to relax in the sun, listen to some good music,
and spend time with friends (with appropriate social distancing).
From the Putnam History Museum Collection.

Thursday, June 18, 2020
Today’s #MuseumMomentofZen:
There are few places better to rest, relax, and ponder than sitting by a waterfall,
being gently misted as the water tumbles down the rocks.
From the Putnam History Museum Collection.

Today’s #MuseumMomentofZen:
Taking the canoe out for a relaxing day on the lake,
listening to the breeze blow through the willow trees.
From the Putnam History Museum Collection.
#museumsfromhome #phmfromhome #relaxation #hammock #putnamcountyny

Today’s #MuseumMomentofZen:
Relaxing upon a hammock, swaying in the breeze under the trees.
From the Putnam History Museum Collection.
#museumsfromhome #phmfromhome #relaxation #hammock #putnamcountyny